Related Documents. Register to Learn More. Blade Family Bits Reshape your drilling performance. PDC Bits Get premium performance with superior durability. Specialty Bits Meet your performance demand needs. Related Information View All. A grandpa and his granddaughter enjoy breakfast before she is off to school. Hold on there, Hoss. What you need is something to make you rock-ready.
Share This. Don't have an account? Click below to get started. Sorry, you do not have access to this content Premium content requires special account permissions. And the proof is where the bit eats the rock—Smith Bits holds more drilling world records than any other drill bit company. Our design process isn't about cookie-cutter solutions.
We start at the rock with the kind of formation and lithology your bit will encounter. Working backward from the rock-cutter interface, analysis continues upward along the drillstring, the drive system, individual BHA components, and the total system on bit behavior in a dynamic drilling environment.
The process also takes into account the specific operating parameters and the interaction between individual elements of the drilling assembly. Not every well is exactly alike—even within the same field. That's why we persist in having such a consistent and methodical process for delivering performance and improvements that make a difference.
The outcome of this process is a range of application-specific bits that consistently outperform previous designs or third-party bits when measured against the same parameters. Because when you get right down to it, you need a bit that eats rocks for breakfast. Our extensive library of field data from around the world helps identify which cutting elements and configurations perform best for any given application. Harness the workhorse of the drilling industry with bits that work harder and withstand more than PDC bits.
Engineer the optimal drilling assembly for any application, including bit designs that account for each element of the BHA. Never spend hours examining bits cutter by cutter. The SnapScan app captures every cutter detail in minutes. Data is verified by bit run sheets from drilling contractors and operators. Additionally, Smith Bits is continually recognized for advancement in bit technology, having earned the Hart Energy Special Meritorious Awards for Engineering Innovation MEA for cutting element technology in , , , , and the World Oil Award for drill bits in Premium content requires special account permissions.
We need a little more information from you before we can grant you access. Home Companies Smith Bits.