This is a private computer The OWA session ends, and the user is automatically logged off after 8 hours of inactivity. However, be aware that there are circumstances that override these default values. If a company uses two-factor authentication, an authentication server is located in front of the OWA server.
Lastly, you can also use Powershell to make the change and adjust the timeout value. See command below:. How can we help? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Close Search. No Comments. Session lifetimes are an important part of authentication for Microsoft and are an important component in balancing security and the number of times users are prompted for their credentials.
When users authenticate in any of the Microsoft web apps or mobile apps, a session is established. For the duration of the session, users won't need to re-authenticate. Sessions can expire when users are inactive, when they close the browser or tab, or when their authentication token expires for other reasons such as when their password has been reset. The Microsoft services have different session timeouts to correspond with the typical use of each service. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported.
Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. Please rate your experience Yes No. Any additional feedback? Many Microsoft users are not aware of the session timeouts set for the different applications. Timeouts mean that once that session token has reached its limit, you will be prompted for your credentials again.
Some people find it frustrating as they either do not understand why these limits are there, or it simply annoys them because they believe it is affecting their productivity to be forced to log in continually. Your organization may have Microsoft session timeouts values set differently than the defaults.
Here is a list of services and in Microsoft , and a little lower we will look at their default timeouts:. In Microsoft , if you use the web app for email, the default timeout is six hours. This means that after the token expires, the user will need to log in again.
SharePoint online has a longer value for timeouts. The admin center will prompt you every eight hours for your credentials. I have noticed that it is quicker than that to re-prompt you if you have been idle for a specific time or if you close the browser.
You may see the login box to choose your credentials if you log in multiple times. If you have 2FA set up, you will be asked to allow it, but this is organization-based. If you use of OneDrive or SharePoint on your mobile device, the default is one hour before you will be asked to log in again.
If you use Yammer, you will notice that with a Microsoft login, the token is valid for however long the browser is open. If you close everything and shut down to go home, you will be prompted to sign in again. If your company wants stricter policies than what the defaults provide, you may want to look at automatically signing users out of SharePoint Online and Microsoft To achieve this you can use the SharePoint Online admin center.
Once you have entered your credentials for the sign-in page that comes up, you can expand admin centers and then click on SharePoint and go to the new SharePoint admin center. You can also prompt users that the session will be timing out, and they will be logged out.