If you do somehow brick your Wii, then I've read that people have managed to unbrick by installing a modchip and flashing the firmware back to original and then starting again.
I've heard that some people have managed to score warranty replacements on a bricked Wii due to softmod problems. If you install a modchip your warranty goes out of the window as soon as you open the case. So I guess there's less of a 'risk' with softmod instead of modchip but it's all relative I guess.
Just to re-iterate. I've installed softmii on 3 Wiis so far. Two 3. Re: Wii modchip -general questions by Niode » Wed Mar 25, pm You will have to downgrade from 3. So yes you need a compatible version of Twilight Princess. Check on wiibrew. Just to clarify, you need an SD card too. Use the SD Formatter tool instead of Windows format.
Re: Wii modchip -general questions by Gwb » Wed Mar 25, pm Just make sure to get SoftMii from a reputable source if you to go that route. GC ISOs. Download Wii Torrents. Play Backups on Moded Wii. Nintendo Wii Mod-Chips. Contact Us. Download GameCube Roms. XBOX Mods WiiKey 2 - best new Mod Chip. All works, logos, and trademarks on this site are property of their respective owners. Wii ISO. How do i get a downloaded wii iso to play? Make sure you got an ISO file. Views Read View source View history.
Community HackMii Other sites. This page was last edited on 16 July , at This application has been made redundant by Homebrew Channel. Homebrew Channel has the same features as this application plus more, or with more bug fixes. This application should only be used if there is a special reason to e. Third install the modchip The nice thing about the Cyclowiz is that the chip includes 'Quick-Solder' points to make installing the chip easy. The bad thing is they do not exactly line up perfectly -- and to be honest I hate 'Quick-Solder' points anyway.
Do yourself a favor and line up the chip as they show in their documentation. Then use your kynar wire to connect the other three points, cut 3 2' lengths and presolder both ends off all three strips. Solder all three wires to the motherboard first, and then connect each one back to the modchip. Cut a nice long piece of kynar and pre-solder one end.
This will be our disable wire, and you will need to solder this to the middle lead on the reset switch button.