Virus foot and mouth

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Syndicate. Minus Related Pages. In schools and daycares. Children should stay home while they have symptoms of hand, foot, and mouth disease. Viruses that cause hand, foot, and mouth disease Hand, foot, and mouth disease is caused by viruses that belong to the Enterovirus family.

Common causes of hand, foot, and mouth disease are: Coxsackievirus A16 is typically the most common cause of hand, foot, and mouth disease in the United States. Other coxsackieviruses can also cause the illness. Houghten, H. Alexander, T.

Shinnick, J. Sutcliffe, R. Lerner, D. Protection against foot-and-mouth disease by immunization with a chemically synthesized peptide predicted from the viral nucleotide sequence. Blyn, L.

Towner, B. Semler, and E. Requirement of poly rC binding protein 2 for translation of poliovirus RNA. Bolten, R. Egger, R. Gosert, G. Schaub, L. Landmann, and K. Intracellular localization of poliovirus plus- and minus-strand RNA visualized by strand-specific fluorescent in situ hybridization. Bolwell, C. Brown, P. Barnett, R.

Campbell, B. Clarke, N. Parry, E. Ouldridge, F. Brown, and D. Host cell selection of antigenic variants of foot-and-mouth disease virus. Epitope mapping of foot-and-mouth disease virus with neutralizing monoclonal antibodies. Borrego, B. Camarero, M. Mateu, and E. A highly divergent antigenic site of foot-and-mouth disease virus retains its immunodominance. Brooksby, J. Portraits of viruses: foot-and-mouth disease virus. Intervirology 18 : Brown, C.

Chinsangaram, and M. Type I interferon production in cattle infected with 2 strains of foot-and-mouth disease virus, as determined by in situ hybridization. Meyer, H. Olander, C. House, and C. A pathogenesis study of foot-and-mouth disease in cattle, using in situ hybridization.

Olander, and R. Pathogenesis of foot-and-mouth disease in swine, studied by in-situ hybridization. Piccone, P. Mason, T. McKenna, and M. Pathogenesis of wild-type and leaderless foot-and-mouth disease virus in cattle. Brown, F. New approaches to vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease. Vaccine 10 : Dissociation of foot-and-mouth disease virus into its nucleic acid and protein components. Bunch, T. Sequence of the S fragment of foot-and-mouth disease virus type A Virus Genes 8 : Burrows, R.

Excretion of foot-and-mouth disease prior to the development of lesions. Mann, A. Garland, A. Greig, and D. The pathogenesis of natural and simulated natural foot-and-mouth disease infection in cattle.

Butchaiah, G. Neutralization antigenic sites on type Asia-1 foot-and-mouth disease virus defined by monoclonal antibody-resistant variants. Caliguiri, L. Action of guanidine on the replication of poliovirus RNA. Virology 35 : Callahan, J. Osorio, J.

Sur, E. Kramer, G. Long, J. Lubroth, S. Ellis, K. Shoulars, K. Gaffney, D. Rock, and W. Use of a portable real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction assay for rapid detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus. Callens, M. De Clercq. Differentiation of the seven serotypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Methods 67 : Cao, X. Bergmann, R. Fullkrug, and E. Functional analysis of the two alternative translation initiation sites of foot-and-mouth disease virus.

Bergmann, and E. Capozzo, A. Periolo, B. Robiolo, C. Seki, J. La Torre, and P. Total and isotype humoral responses in cattle vaccinated with foot and mouth disease virus FMDV immunogen produced either in bovine tongue tissue or in BHK cell suspension cultures. Vaccine 15 : Carrillo, E. Giachetti, and R. Early steps in FMDV replication: further analysis on the effects of chloroquine. Effect of lysosomotropic agents on the foot-and-mouth disease virus replication.

Cavanagh, D. Early events in the interaction between foot-and mouth disease virus and primary pig kidney cells. Sangar, D. Immunogenic and cell attachment sites of FMDV: further evidence for their location in a single capsid polypeptide.

Cedillo-Barron, L. Foster-Cuevas, G. Belsham, F. Lefevre, and R. Induction of a protective response in swine vaccinated with DNA encoding foot-and-mouth disease virus empty capsid proteins and the 3D RNA polymerase.

Chang, K. Auvinen, T. Hyypia, and G. The nucleotide sequence of coxsackievirus A9; implications for receptor binding and enterovirus classification. Day, J. Walker, T. The nucleotide sequences of wild-type coxsackievirus A9 strains imply that an RGD motif in VP1 is functionally significant.

Childerstone, A. Cedillo-Baron, M. Foster-Cuevas, and R. Chinsangaram, J. Beard, P. Mason, M. Zellner, G. Ward, and M. Antibody response in mice inoculated with DNA expressing foot-and-mouth disease virus capsid proteins. Koster, and M. Moraes, M. Novel viral disease control strategy: adenovirus expressing alpha interferon rapidly protects swine from foot-and-mouth disease.

Mason, and M. Protection of swine by live and inactivated vaccines prepared from a leader proteinase-deficient serotype A12 foot-and-mouth disease virus. Vaccine 16 : Piccone, and M. Chow, M. Newman, D. Filman, J. Hogle, D. Myristylation of picornavirus capsid protein VP4 and its structural significance. Clarke, B. Processing and assembly of foot-and-mouth disease virus proteins using subgenomic RNA.

Sangar, J. Burroughs, S. Newton, A. Carroll, and D. Two initiation sites for foot-and-mouth disease virus polyprotein in vivo. Clarke, J. An investigation into causes of resistance of a cloned line of BHK cells to a strain of foot-and-mouth disease virus. Collen, T. Heterotypic recognition of foot-and-mouth disease virus by cattle lymphocytes.

Pullen, and T. T cell-dependent induction of antibody against foot-and-mouth disease virus in a mouse model. Condy, J. Hedger, C. Hamblin, and I. The duration of the foot-and-mouth disease virus carrier state in African buffalo i in the individual animal and ii in a free-living herd.

Correa Melo, E. Saraiva, and V. Review of the status of foot and mouth disease in countries of South America and approaches to control and eradication. Costa Giomi, M. Bergmann, E. Scodeller, P. Auge de Mello, I. Gomez, and J. La Torre. Heterogeneity of the polyribocytidylic acid tract in aphthovirus: biochemical and biological studies of viruses carrying polyribocytidylic acid tracts of different lengths. Couch, R. Chanock, T. Cate, D. Lang, V. Knight, and R. Immunization with types 4 and 7 adenovirus by selective infection of the intestinal tract.

Cowan, K. A third antigenic component associated with foot-and-mouth disease infection. Virology 30 : Crawford, N. USA 80 : Crowell, R. Landau, and J. Picornavirus receptors in pathogenesis, p. Lonberg-Holm and L. Philipson ed. Animal viruses, series B , vol. Chapman and Hall, New York, N.

Crowther, J. Farias, W. Carpenter, and A. Identification of a fifth neutralizable site on type O foot-and-mouth disease virus following characterization of single and quintuple monoclonal antibody escape mutants. Cui, T. Sankar, and A. Curry, S. Abrams, E.

Fry, J. Crowther, G. Belsham, D. Stuart, and A. Viral RNA modulates the acid sensitivity of foot-and-mouth disease virus capsids. Fry, W. Blakemore, R. Abu-Ghazaleh, T. Jackson, A. King, S. Lea, J. Rowlands, and D. Perturbations in the surface structure of A22 Iraq foot-and-mouth disease virus accompanying coupled changes in host cell specificity and antigenicity.

Structure 4 : Newman, and D. Dissecting the roles of VP0 cleavage and RNA packaging in picornavirus capsid stabilization: the structure of empty capsids of foot-and-mouth disease virus. Dasgupta, A.

Yalamanchili, M. Clark, S. Kliewer, L. Fradkin, S. Rubinstein, S. Das, Y. Shen, M. Weidman, R. Banerjee, U. Datta, M. Igo, P. Kundu, B. Barat, and A. Effects of picornavirus proteinases on host cell transcription, p.

Dawe, P. Flanagan, R. Madekurozwa, K. Sorensen, E. Anderson, C. Foggin, N. Ferris, and N. Natural transmission of foot-and-mouth disease virus from African buffalo Syncerus caffer to cattle in a wildlife area of Zimbabwe.

Sorensen, N. Ferris, I. Armstrong, and N. Experimental transmission of foot-and-mouth disease virus from carrier African buffalo Syncerus caffer to cattle in Zimbabwe. De Diego, M. Brocchi, D. Mackay, and F. De Simone.

Reference deleted. Devaney, M. Vakharia, R. Lloyd, E. Ehrenfeld, and M. Leader protein of foot-and-mouth disease virus is required for cleavage of the p component of the cap-binding protein complex. Dever, T. Glynias, and W. GTP-binding domain: three consensus sequence elements with distinct spacing. Diez, J. Selection of antigenic variants of foot-and-mouth disease virus in the absence of antibodies, as revealed by an in situ assay.

DiMarchi, R. Brooke, C. Gale, V. Cracknell, T. Doel, and N. Protection of cattle against foot-and-mouth disease by a synthetic peptide. Science : Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Syndicate. Treat Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. Minus Related Pages. Treat symptoms and prevent dehydration Take over-the-counter medications to relieve fever and pain caused by mouth sores. Related Topics. The illness is usually not serious , but it is very contagious. It spreads quickly at schools and day care centers. Hand, foot, and mouth disease is often confused with foot-and-mouth disease also called hoof-and-mouth disease , which affects cows, sheep, and pigs.

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