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Kunden wollen ihr Geld auf sicheren Wegen transferieren, ohne, dass dabei Bezahldaten an Unbefugte weitergegeben werden. Weiterlesen - Die sichersten und beliebtesten Zahlungsmethoden im Internet. Bereitgestellt von Marie Schneider.
Bei der Entscheidung zwischen Smartphones mit oder ohne Vertrag sind sehr verschiedene Vorteile und Nachteile beachtenswert. Weiterlesen - Vor- und Nachteile durch Smartphones mit oder ohne Vertrag. Bildschirmschoner unter Windows 11 einrichten. One of the most often leveled criticisms of Windows has been its lack of security.
To overcome that perception Microsoft had programmed Vista to complain loudly and often if it discovers your malware, firewall or virus protection software is off or requires maintenance.
For many users, the constant badgering to update your virus definitions is more annoying then effective. To calm Vista down a bit you can change the way you are notified of potential lax security. One of the first things experienced users change when they get a new Windows computer is change the Folder View options to a preferred setting.
Windows Vista is no exception to this rule. By default, Windows Vista sets the power options to what it calls a "Balanced" plan. While for many users this plan will be adequate, there are many who will want to make adjustments.
For laptop users specifically, settings can vary greatly when operating on battery power versus plugged into an outlet. To adjust power settings:. Medium in this case is really quite large. There is also a Large icon setting, but we won't go there. To bring the icons back to a less eye-popping size:. For many of us working away from home offices at satellite offices, home or on the road, knowing the time across various time zones can be a necessary evil.
Windows Vista will allow you to keep time in two additional time zones to the machine time. Now when you mouse over the time in the Taskbar System Tray you will get the time in your chosen time zones. Mark W. Kaelin has been writing and editing stories about the IT industry, gadgets, finance, accounting, and tech-life for more than 25 years. Most recently, he has been a regular contributor to BreakingModern. Figure B Customize Start Menu 2. Editor's Picks.