Sample java program anagram

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The first thing that we can do for the given strings is to sort both given strings that are to be verified if they are anagrams. Once the sorting is done, then it can be compared in the sorted orders. The time complexity for this method is O n Logn. The Java code for this can be written as below:. Arrays; import java. The above program first checks for the lengths of both given strings.

If the strings are not having the same length, then it will return false. By using the array sort function, it will sort the strings in two arrays. Once the array sort function is used on both strings, then the strings are compared, and each letter is compared in for a loop. If the for loop is successful and all letters in both strings are the same, then the output will be an anagram.

Even if one letter does not match, then it will return false. The main program here checks for the strings and displays if the string is an anagram or not depending on the result returned by the checkAnagram function. This method can be used when the strings under validation are small. Comment in Java java instanciar objeto File java only close socket outputstream Java random number generator go from string to int java java STRING TO NUMBER random in java a to b generate random string in java java return if get boolean from string java java enum from int get day from date month year java how to exit a java program java.

Pass this string to a method that returns a new string with the first char added at the front and end, so "cat" yields "ccatc". File android.

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