PRF file will allow you to bypass the login prompt, because that will depend on settings in your mail system. I don't think that will work. I deployed office before with windows 7, I applied PRF created by someone and it works good.
I dont know what I am missing. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks. Popular Topics in Microsoft Office. Spiceworks Help Desk. The help desk software for IT. Track users' IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need. If you need to make changes to the accounts or add new ones, open the PRF in Notepad and edit it.
The two key areas are the Account n listings in Section 3 and the Account n values in Section 5. Don't edit Sections 6 and 7. Section 2 and 4 has information about file location. Download a Sample profile file. Delete unused account types or copy and paste to create more, then edit the appropriate account type if you have more than one account. Tips for using Outlook. She also created video training CDs and online training classes for Microsoft Outlook.
I can't export all accounts configured in Outlook , there is one way to do this? Thank you. Do you want the export the accounts you'll need to export the Profile registry key , export the mail, or use a PRF to set up the accounts? Schedule Management. Calendar Printing Tools. Calendar Reminder Tools.
Time and Billing Tools. Meeting Productivity Tools. Duplicate Remover Tools. Sending and Retrieval Tools. Mass Mail Tools. Compose Tools. Mail Tools for Outlook. Online Services. Create a. Or to create a new customization file, select the Office suite that you want to customize, and then click OK. In the Outlook area, click Outlook Profile. Select how you want to customize profiles for users. To specify settings to be included in a. To add and configure new accounts or to modify or remove existing accounts, click Add accounts , and then click Customize additional Outlook profile and account information.
Once you complete the Outlook profile configurations, in the Outlook area, click Export settings. Click the Export Profile Settings button to create a new.
Enter a file name and the path on which to save the file, and then click Save. To manually update a. Make your changes or additions. By manually editing the. The file includes the seven sections shown in the following table. These are default settings that are used to set up a user profile. You can apply a. To apply a. Select Apply PRF , and then browse to the file. On the File menu, click Save to save the.
Exit the OCT. Put the. Install Office from the original installation source. Specify the. For example: outlook. If you put the specified.
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