Taking your next step is easy with a dedicated career coach in your corner. Let Dakota Roots help! Refer a friend or family member to share the great places of South Dakota with great faces you know.
Dakota Roots helps connect people with real South Dakota communities and opportunities. Our Job Advisors use your experience and skills to match you with the lifestyle you're looking for. Don't wait. Find the life you've been waiting for today. Connect With Job Advisor. What we have in natural beauty and opportunities, we lack in taxes. Find out more about what makes South Dakota a great place to grow. South Dakota Stats. Helping people find a better quality of life - that's our passion.
You must not have owned a home as your principle residence within the last three years including a manufactured home on a permanent foundation. You must meet income and purchase price limits. You can use DCA or Start! To qualify, one of the following must describe the households: The mortgagor must be a single-parent with at least one dependent child residing in the home 50 percent of the time.
North Dakota Roots. You can use Start! Targeted Area Loan. Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance. DCA cannot be used in conjunction with any other down payment assistance programs. You must meet income limits. Only one to two-unit properties one unit must be occupied by borrower.
You must complete a homebuyer education course and receive a certificate of completion that is dated before loan closing. Start cannot be used in conjunction with any other down payment assistance programs. Start can only be used on one to two-unit properties one unit must be occupied by borrower. Resilient Homebuyer Program City of Minot. To qualify: You must purchase a single-family home within Minot city limits that is both outside the proposed year floodplain and within a qualified Resilient Neighborhood.
You must meet income limits which vary based on family size. Include projected income from all sources for the 12 months following the date of application. You must meet purchase price limits.
Category: Financial. More Financial Automation Tax Credit. State Commerce Department breaks down the new automation tax credit. It's not just for robots Learn more Learn More. The Commission promotes the development of new and expanded uses of North Dakota Agricultural products. APUC provides grants for research, feasibility studies and marketing for agricultural and value-added projects.
Learn More Learn More. Located in Bismarck, ND, this is the only state-owned bank in the nation. Its mission, established by legislative action in , is to encourage and promote agriculture, commerce and industry in North Dakota. In this role, the Bank acts as a funding resource in partnershi New or expanded businesses or enterprises may negotiate for up to five years full of partial exemption from local property taxes.
A second five-year exemption may apply if the business uses agricultural products grown in North Dakota. Like other funding sources, the number of jobs created would have a bearing on the amount of accessible funds. The mission of Dakota Business Lending is all about cultivating the success of businesses in North Dakota and western Minnesota. We do this by providing exceptional financing solutions in a supportive and creative environment delivered by dedicated, experienced lending staff who strive to grow the econom The purpose of an EB-5 Regional Center is to stimulate economic development, create jobs and improve regional productivity through direc The City of Jamestown and Stutsman County have a combined Economic Development Fund which is a multimillion-dollar economic development program available to assist with expanding or relocating business.