More details of that project and the land use will be made public in the new year. Print smart and sustainable infrastructure on-demand with Black Buffalo 3D NexCon printers available now.
Stay tuned for updates on our projects and development of structural hemp-based concrete alternatives, the company reports. Press releases may be sent to them via [email protected]. Nano Dimension also implements its vision for specialized 3D printing and additive manufacturing. The company signs a strategic collaboration agreement with Kanfit for the installation of a Massivit Blackstone Resources is leveraging a proprietary 3D printing process to give its new lithium battery We invite experts to talk about a variety of topics.
This is your chance to let experts answer your questions. Success Stories from implementing companies and service providers. Expertise on the current state of the Smart Factory market. Leadership approaches and soft skills essential for Digital Transformation.
Theories, visions and eye-opening initiatives from related fields. Save travel time as well as accommodation and catering costs. Smart Factory starts here. Start the journey. Nexcon Telecomunicaciones: we are a company of engineering and development of products and projects of computer science and communications. In we started to implement our solutions in Spain and are currently used in over 30 countries around the world.
Our professionals are our most important assets. Nexcon is a professional and modern company. Dedicated to the design, production and development of electronic components making technology available to all and thus achieve its objective; personalized service.
Within the urban stress and with parking problems, engineers find an absolutely calm and relaxed framework within their studio to face their kite. In Nexcon , in addition to having highly qualified engineers, our main objective is to achieve powerful, dynamic and high-quality developments, designs and fabrications. With experience in the sector, growth motivation and current projects with large companies bear fruit of trust and good work, impacting on jobs and the work environment.
Do not hesitate to contact Nexcon and we will make, without obligation, a budget to suit you. Company very specialized in its sector, remarkably flexible, with proposals for successful solutions in every need we have had. Very close and friendly staff; They adapt to needs and agendas with great ease.