I e-mailed a Mr. Jeromy Dodd, who is listed on their web site and asked him three questions. Can you push Magellan to change that problem. His response:. Firstly, the hotels, restaurants, and other points of interest in AAA's data are there in most cases because they requested to be evaluated by AAA's inspectors and were approved to be listed with AAA.
There are many properties in North America that we feel are not up to AAA standards and are therefore not listed with the rest of our points of interest.
Similarly, properties are opening up all the time and it often takes a bit of time before inspectors can evaluate them.
Secondly, your concerns about navigating between AAA data and the rest of the data in the Magellan unit are not unique and we are trying to work with Magellan to integrate as much of our data as possible into the overall presentation, rather than having it somewhat "isolated" as it is now. Unfortunately there is no time table for that to actually happen. I will forward your comments to the people we work with at Magellan as further input.
Finally, the AAA database version can be found if you scroll in the main menu to "User Options" and then scroll down to "Map Information" of all places! Also, we're adding text to that web page that will indicate the date of the current update file, so people can avoid having to dig for the data version information. Hopefully I've answered your concerns, but if I can be of any further assistance please feel free to contact me.
Thank you again for your feedback. I can not find the update on aaa. Am I missing something? Can someone send me the update? Still doesn't work, have followed the simple directions 20 times. Can someone just post the file since AAA is really 90 different website stupid company.
No, I don't think so You would be doing a lot of other folks in your area a favor. Hi, just found this forum while searching for an AAA upgrade to my brand new Great info here and I will be perusing all the Magellan topics soon.
I appreciate the info given above regarding the new update and will be downloading once I get my new gps fully charged. The reason I have registered was so I could possibly help swtrader as I had a similar problem. And everytime I went to aaa. I then found my AAA cookie and deleted it and then entered my proper Canadian postal code in the required zip code box. I am wondering if AAA recognizes my postal code from my registration process earlier?
Have you registered at Magellan and at AAA yet swtrader? If not I would suggest you try deleting your AAA cookie beforehand. PS: There is also a note in the download area that "Data may not be available in all areas" Good Luck!
I had the same issue - and the Northern California page is only interested in sales Sorry, I don't think so, have to be an AAA member. Can this data be converted to work with Microsoft Streets and Trips version? I am a member and have downloaded the file. Thanks in advance.
Login or register to post comments. I had a roodmate and I kept it too long to return it waiting for the map update that never was available Mark. Just noticed that map updates are available from magellan. There is another thread on here with a tentative schedule, I believe. The file name format or the file itself? What exactly are you referring to? It would help if you quote a tiny part of the previous message Don't hold your breath. Not likely that will EVER happen. Can anyone help me?
I've tried numerous times with the POI editor In the select category there are none in the list? Am I saving them in the wrong location? What the hell? Maybe; probably. Some of the earlier messages in this thread gives the location directories. I'm pretty sure they are the same for the After a few seconds, the GPS reboots. I'm lost! That all sounds right. Exactly what filename are you using?
It must be whatever. Have you tried to let the editor save it directly to the ? If you haven't figured it out by tomorrow, I'll drag my out for a detailed comparison; can't do it from memory. I still cant transfer files directly to the unit or to the card with the unit plugged in to my pc via usb for some reason.
Can you transfer directly to your ? If so, what location? On to another topic It asks me to fill in name, latitude, longitude values? Any idea? Is there another way to get the software? Is the software available for download somewhere? Yes, I can copy directly to the main memory I can NOT save directly to a memory card that is in the because I can't "see" the card.
I'm not sure I understand your last question. You can't work with native Excel files in the editor. You must save the Excel file as a. No, I don't think so. Ask the friend with the ? The POI editor is not identical for all models. Just checked mine and that appears to be correct I just tried a test and the "Save to GPS" is actually just a "Save to" function and remembers the last place you saved.
The test worked. The only way I can manipulate the files on the SD card is via an external card reader. I still think this is probably "pilot error". There is also a USER directory on the ; poi's won't work in there. Also the same filename restrictions apply as in Windows; some characters and formats of filenames are not allowed; keep it simple.
I think I have the other thing figured out as well Thanks alot for all your help! I can't see why we can't have a. That way we can just download and copy. Will that work? Does anyone have the mgln version of state parks? Can you upload it so's we can download it?
Thanks Sincerely MM newbie. My unit came with a pre-configured sub-directory with this name on the unit's main memory, under the CPOI directory. Even if I could enter a coordinate on the keypad. And I would have given up except that there are hints about "possible future updates supporting CPOIs Having said that, I would expect that custom POI could be added to the using the same method as posted above and works for Its a model and based on the feedback I too am suspicious that it is unsupported, not incapable I just need to collect some similar model file location and format info to experiment.
I have a so I can't speak for the and custom POI's do work but the strange thing is that if they are copied to the SD card, they will work once then after programming the next route, the voice quits speaking street names! You will hear "approaching left turn on" then nothing.