Out of , hadith which he evaluated, approximately 4, were extracted for inclusion into his collection based on stringent acceptance criteria. Each report in his collection was checked and the veracity of the chain of reporters was painstakingly established.
Sunni Muslims consider it the second most authentic hadith collection, after Sahih al-Bukhari. Sahih Muslim is divided into 43 books, containing a total of narrations. However, it is important to realize that Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj never claimed to collect all authentic traditions as his goal was to collect only traditions that all Muslims should agree on about accuracy.
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Download: Prophet's Prayer. Video: Performing Wuzu Wudhu. The Treaty of Hudaibiya. Islamic Art of Living: Presentations. Islamic Art of Living manners from Quran. Audios from Islamic Scholars. Islamic Personality Series. A Guide to Islam for non-Muslims. Mother's Day, Father's Day Muslim Marriage Guide. Handbook of Umrah-Haj. Download or read online one of the most trusted 6 books of Hadith e. Hazrat Imam-e-Muslim R. A is a great, popular, most trusted and authentic Muhaddith of Islam. He has written many books but this book is about Hadiths.
There are many books of Hadiths but the Islamic scholars have declared 6 books of Hadiths most trusted and authentic. Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim are most authentic and trusted.
Sahih Muslim has been translated into various languages of the world but these volumes of Sahih Muslim are translated into Urdu language by Allama Waheed Uzzaman. Here you will only download separately all parts of Sahih Muslim in Urdu language. But before downloading this book, please share this book and like us on face book so that you will be informed about our new book through your facebook account. Labels: Hadith , Islamic.
October 21, at AM. Basit Khan. October 21, at PM.