A meat grinder will not grind pepper. A coffeepot is different than a teapot. There is no such thing as an eight legged insect - an insect by definition has only 6 legs. Anonymous - Oct 15, -. Anonymous - Feb 1, -. A great HO game with great graphics and no storyline. There are 25 levels to complete and a mini-game after each level. As you complete each level, you will collect items that you need to help you to get off the island. The 26th and 27th levels are the final puzzles to help you to get off the island.
The game and mini-puzzles are not too challenging. Also, there are two bonus levels of puzzles and HO to play after you complete the game. Anonymous - Aug 16, -. Well, it was interesting the first level. And then I got into finding the locks. And then I got bored. And was barely halfway done with the game.
It's about 10 levels longer than it needs to be, and there's NO story, just 'finding' escape objects that have no connection to anything else you're doing. Download "Full Game" mean that all game features are included with only one restriction — you can play for free only 1 hour, then you must register purchase the game to continue playing.
Explore 25 Island Locations! Play for free during 1 hour trial period! Share your opinion with other gamers - write review or leave comment! Entet You Name. Your Review. Download Cursed House 7. Mediterranean Journey. Labyrinths of the World: Fool's Gold. Abandoned: Chestnut Lodge Asylum.
Powered by iWin. Escape Rosecliff Island. We're sorry but we are no longer able to offer this game. What's Free - Play game for minutes. More Reviews. Game Video. Download Free Games is a small business owned and operated by iWin Inc.
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