Open cmd. ExecuteNonQuery showdat cnn. Close End Sub End Class. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Seth Moore Seth Moore 3, 2 2 gold badges 22 22 silver badges 33 33 bronze badges. Yup It actually work, but the problem is just double the display in the datagrid I think your view1 and source1 variables might be unnecessary. Fill Me. This reloads the datagridview: Me. ABCList Hope this helps. Marc Chemali Marc Chemali 3 3 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges.
Corey Burton Corey Burton 1. Ram 3, 10 10 gold badges 38 38 silver badges 56 56 bronze badges. RoganRicheart RoganRicheart 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges. In the code of the button that saves the changes to the database eg the update button, add the following lines of code: MyDataGridView.
Update MyDataGridView. I've tried Update, Refresh and moving to a different record I read somewhere that that action would add the new record to the DataGrid, but it didn't work. MoveFirst If Adodc1. Hiccup , If I read your click event correctly you are updating the database but not the form the grid is on I found this in the MSDN, you may want to add code to you click event Changing Displayed Data at Run Time Once you have created a grid using the design-time features, you may also wish to dynamically change the data source of the grid at run time.
The general methods for accomplishing this are discussed below. For example, you may have several ADO Data controls, each connected to different databases, or set to different RecordSource properties.
Set DataGrid1. Thanks for your suggestions zgtrman. Thanks zgtrman. Hiccup hi, adodc1. Hiccup, Is the command button click event on a seperate form? Close Box. Hi Roger, When people ask for "Straightforward code" it's kind of impossible to respond. Nor will they create it for you if you are not willing to put some effort into it yourself.
The best way to start a project like this is to read some articles about what you are doing. You can search codeproject for articles, like this. Then as you implement code you've found in the article, if you run into problems post your code and error messages and a description of what your program is doing and what you want it to do. Then we can help you. Hope this gives you a good place to start. Posted 2-Jun am Kschuler. I have a access connection with textbox as data feeder to database change it to SQL if u want.
The code is: VB. Copy Code. Posted Mar pm vijitizer. Sandeep Mewara Mar am. Always wrap your code in PRE tags. It makes the question readable as it formats it. Member Feb am. I have made a project in visual basic and sql server, i want to update the record in party master in another form , where when i click on the update button the another update form will open and there in the dtagrid all the records of data table will present, on that form there is three button , update, delete, cancel, i just want that when i click on the update button after editing the data row the data save to the datagrid and same to data table in sql server.
Imports System. Data Imports System. Columns ColIndex. Add Me. Append AddParam "name", name, adVarChar cmd. Append AddParam "family", family, adVarChar cmd. Append AddParam "nickname", nickname, adVarChar cmd. Append AddParam "title", title, adVarChar cmd.
Append AddParam "job", job, adVarChar cmd. Text End Sub. Abbas Allahyari Abbas Allahyari 6 6 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Jamie Jamie 1 1 silver badge 7 7 bronze badges. Requery Set DataGrid1. Kedar Paranjape Kedar Paranjape 1, 2 2 gold badges 21 21 silver badges 33 33 bronze badges. Text With DataEnvironment1 If.