Kitchen Storage and Organization. Kitchen Lighting. Home Decor. Ceiling Lights. Vanity Lights. Wall Sconces. Exterior Lights. Door Knobs. Door Levers. Cabinet Hardware. Bifold Closet Knobs. Channel and Trench Drains.
Catch Basins. When the cross members are broken off the inside of a bathtub drain there is one tool that will remove the stuck and broken drain. But neither is a plumber. You can try vice grips and channel locks spread open but they always slip. The drain removal tool has teeth that grab the drain from the inside. You use a socket wrench to turn the tool and as it turns the teeth expand outward and apply pressure to the drain. The good news is that it has always worked for us. Put the linkage back together and you're done!
I had this problem and took a wire coat hanger, straightened it, then bent a little hook on the end of it. After attempts, I snagged it enough to release a little water out of the tub. After another five minutes I was able to dislodge the plug. I took it all the way out and everything is now working properly.
I had the same problem and was able to suck the plastic stopper up through the overflow with a shop vac and then grab it with a pair of pliers to get it out. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?
Learn more. How do I retrieve a detached plunger from a bathtub drain? Ask Question. Asked 10 years, 4 months ago. Active 1 year ago. Viewed k times. I have an old bathtub drain assembly that is similar to this: As far as I can tell, the linkage broke off completely due to old age. I'm reasonably certain that the plunger is down since water doesn't drain from the tub. I've tried using a pickup tool from harbor freight: This was unsuccessful after minutes of trying. Improve this question. Niall C.
Mike B Mike B 7, 50 50 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Maybe rig a shopvac to a piece of flexible hose? Insert the Drain Key into the drain.
Step 4: Insert the New Drain. Secondly, can you replace drain in bathtub? Buy a new lift-and-turn stopper to replace your old lever-style drain. When the stopper in your lever-style bathtub drain won't pop up anymore because the linkage is damaged or clogged, replace it with a much simpler lift-and-turn style tub drain.
Steps Unscrew a foot plug drain's stopper. Put on your rubber gloves and grasp the center stopper. Pop out a lift-and-turn drain's stopper. Grasp the stopper and pull up on it. Remove the faceplate of a trip lever drain. Grab the overflow plate with your hand.
Slow pull the overflow plate away from the bathtub wall as you pull the plunger stopper from the drain. Pull the rag away from the strainer in the bottom of the tub. Remove the screw from the center of the strainer. Asked by: Danuta Birenboim style and fashion bath and shower How do you fix a broken tub drain?